Water Softeners

As plumbers in West Texas, some of the most common questions we encounter involve dealing with hard water. Water is hard when added minerals infiltrate your water on its way to your faucet. Those minerals aren’t necessarily dangerous, but they do impact the taste and smell of your water. You know you have hard water if you have chalky build-up on your faucets and showerheads. If you don’t clean the build-up regularly, it can lead to stained fixtures and sinks, and faucets not working properly. There are two common solutions to battling hard water: reverse osmosis, commonly called R.O, and water softeners. These two systems function differently and can be installed separately, but are highly recommended to be used together. In this post, we’ll specifically take a look at water softeners.


Water softeners use what’s called an ion-exchange unit. Without getting too scientific, it removes the minerals that make the water hard and substitutes them with sodium (salt). Systems can include single or dual tanks depending on the need in your home. For example, a two-tank system can continuously deliver soft water to the home, while a single tank system contains brine that needs to self-clean once a week.

Salt-free alternatives are also available, which modify the minerals instead of actually removing them to make the water soft. The alternatives do help prevent visible buildup around fixtures and faucets but don’t protect piping and appliances like a traditional water softener.


Lucky for you, City Plumbing has water softeners as well as reverse osmosis systems. Remember, for the cleanest, safest water, you’ll want to get both! Call us today at 432-366-2401. Our experts can provide full details and help you diagnose your home or business to determine the system that works best for you. Give us a call and we’ll come running!

dust particles floating through the air

Dealing With Dust

Dusting your home is one of those things. No matter how consistently you practice this household chore, you’re going to have to do it again, and again. The dust will continue to come. Unfortunately for allergy sufferers, dust is inevitable, but there are ways to prevent it from accumulating so quickly in your home. In this post, we’ll take a look at a few of the causes and some solutions.


Air filters are one of those things that everyone knows you should change, but very few do. Some people even say they’ve NEVER replaced a filter! What you may not realize is that this can increase the dust in your home. It can even get so bad that your A/C evaporator coils get dusty, that will send dusty air throughout your home.

IMPORTANT: If your filters seem clean, but your furniture is dusty, that could mean you’re not using the proper type of filter. You might need air filters with a higher MERV rating. They’ll need to be changed out frequently, but you’ll notice the difference as they collect dust when it comes through the vent.

It’s also important to change your filters when they clog up with dust. Not doing so can be bad for your HVAC unit…and your electric bill!


Vacuuming cleans your carpet but you’re kicking up dust as you go, spreading it around your house. We’re not telling you to not vacuum; just consider that it will make your home a little more dusty every time you do. Many newer vacuum models have great features to help reduce the spread of dust. If the vacuum has a HEPA filter, you’re on the right track. HEPA stands for “High-Efficiency Particulate Rate” and means the dust will stay in the vacuum instead of getting out!

Of course, hardwood or tile floors will retain less dust than carpet – especially that shag-style from the 60s and 70s.


Your dust problem could also be something hidden in your attic. Tears or leaks in your duct system could allow dust from the attic to seep into your airflow and land in your living space. Rooms that are warmer or cooler than others could be an indicator of air duct leaks.


City Plumbing does more than just plumbing!  We can run a pressure test on your ducts to determine where the air is escaping or dust is getting in. If you are ready to make an appointment, give us a call at 432-366-2401. Give us a call, and we’ll come running!